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  • Writer's pictureRyan Clark

Trail of Hope

While I was set up for the local market today I found myself telling each customer who stopped by the story of where whatever picture they were looking at was from. They said, “wow, you have a great recall if you can remember each picture.” After they left, I thought to myself, each picture I take has a story. Each story has created a memory either for myself or someone else. I thought I could start sharing my stories with everyone else. The first picture I want to tell the story is titled, The Trail of Hope. It was a trail along the Illinois River in East Peoria, Illinois. I was walking the trail when I stopped and turned around. That’s when I captured the moment. Not to get all sappy, but, sometimes you have to stop, look back and see where you came from, what made you a stronger, better person than you once were. Sometimes looking back helps you to keep moving forward. This was the first print I had titled, and actually let my husband name it. It has become a favorite of many. It has also graced our entryway to our home for many years now. Thanks for reading the first of many stories. Feel free to share. Thanks. Randy of Ryan Clark Photography

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